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SAHS Newsletter
Contents - 1965
ISSUE 1 (April)
Meier, Heinz Karl, "Message from the SAHS President,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p1-3. 3p.
[Open Letter]
"Meeting of the Swiss American Historical Society,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p3-5. 3p.
Meier, Heinz Karl, Robert H. Billigmeier & Fred A. Picard, eds., The Old Land and the New. The Journals of Two Swiss Families in America in the 1820’s.
[Book Review]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p5-7. 3p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "The American Writer Herbert Kubly from New Glarus on His Ancestral Home in Switzerland,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p8-9. 2p.
"Arnold Laett, 1885-1964. Pioneer in the History of the Swiss Abroad,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p9. 1p.
[Short Biography]
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Folklore: Swiss Emigration Songs; Popular Sayings in Switzerland on America; A Swiss Guide to American Folklore; A Private Collection in Zurich dedicated to the American Indians,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p9-11. 3p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "The Swiss in the History of Maryland,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p11-12. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "An Example to Follow: A Swiss Diplomat, Author of Works on Swiss Intellectual Relations with Egypt and Portugal,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p. 12-13. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Notes on the Arts,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p13-15. 3p.
[News Note]
Maissen, Augustin, "Helvetica Americana: Recent Bibliography in American Reviews,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p15-17. 3p.
"Swiss Intellectuals Welcomed on Swiss Radio Programs,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p17-18. 2p.
[News Note]
"Green Meadow Foundation is Looking for New Director of Institute,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p18. 1p.
"High-School Teachers Shortage of 600 in Switzerland in 1975."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p18. 1p.
[News Note]
Maissen, Augustin. "To Our Readers."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, p18-19. 2p.
[Open Letter]
Zehnder, Alfred. "Europe’s Contribution to American Civilization."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Apr1965, Vol. 1 Issue 1, Appendix, p1-14
ISSUE 2 (July)
Meier, Heinz Karl, "Letter from the SAHS President,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p1-2. 2p.
[Open Letter]
John Paul von Grueningen, ed., The Swiss in the United States.
[Book Review by Heinz Karl Meier]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p2-3. 2p.
Robert H. Billigmeier and Fred A. Picard, The Old Land and the New.
[Book Review by Lukas F. Burckhardt]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p3-4. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F. "Swiss-American Mennonite History,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p5-6. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "120th Anniversary of New Glarus."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p6-8. 3p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Swiss Songs on the Emigrants to the U.S.,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p8-9. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "'Das Schicksal machte mich zu einem Koch.' Memoirs of a Swiss Cook in America,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p9-10. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "The Americanization of Raetic (Romansh, German, Italian) Family Names from the Canton Grisons, Switzerland,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p10. 1p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Romansh Poetry,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p10-11 2p.
J. R. von Salis. Rainer Maria Rilke: The Years in Switzerland.
[Book Review by Lukas F. Burckhardt]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p11- 12. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Outlook,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jul1965, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p12-13. 2p.
ISSUE 3 (October)
Meier, Heinz Karl. "Letter from the SAHS President,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p1. 1p.
[Open Letter]
"Second Annual Meeting of the Swiss American Historical Society."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p2-3. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Dr. Albert Bettex, Our Guest Speaker from Switzerland and His Subject: 'Hermann Hesse and the Notion of the Entity of Man in the Literature of Our Century'."
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p3-4. 2p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Helvetica in American Libraries and Archives,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p4-6. 3p.
Hill, Robert W., "Some Resources in the New York Public Library for the Study of Swiss in the United States,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p6. 1p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Swiss Painters of the American Indians,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p7-9. 3p.
Singer, Joseph H., "The Art Program of the Geigy Chemical Corporation,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p9-11. 3p.
Kenneth D. McRae. Switzerland: Example of Cultural Coexistence.
[Book Review by Lukas F. Burckhardt]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p11-12. 2p.
So Kocht die Schweiz. La cuisine suisse. La cucina svizzera.
[Book Review by Lukas F. Burckhardt]
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p12. 1p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "Swiss Gymnasialrektoren Report on Their Study Trip to the U.S. in 1964,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p12-13. 2p.
Lehmann, Max P., "Letter from the Swiss National Tourist Office,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p13-14. 2p.
[Open Letter]
Maissen, Augustin, "News from the SAHS Secretary,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p14-15. 2p.
[News Notes]
Annoni, Hieronymus. "Swiss and German Emigrants to America in Amsterdam, 1736. Excerpts from the Travel Diary of Hieronymus Annoni,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p16-18. 3p.
[Travel Diary]
"Panorama of Swiss Music,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p19. 1p.
"List of Members of the Swiss American
Historical Society of October 1965,"
Swiss-American Historical Society. Newsletter. Oct1965, Vol. 1 Issue 3, p19-23. 5p.
[Membership List]