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SAHS Newsletter
Contents - 1983
ISSUE 1 (February)
Burkhard, Marianne, “This Issue of the Newsletter is Dedicated to Lukas F. Burckhardt,”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1983, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p2-3. 2p.
[Dedication – 75th Birthday]
Price, Arnold H., “The Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Swiss American Historical Society, October 30, 1982.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1983, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p4-8. 5p.
[Minutes and Reports]
Meier, Heinz K., “Jacob Maag (1881-1980): Swiss Stone Carver and Sculptor in the Midwest.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1983, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p9-26. 18p.
Power, Tyrone, “‘A Bivouac:’ Swiss Immigrants Camp Out in New York City, 1833.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1983, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p27-29 3p.
[Excerpt from his Impressions of America]
Bross, Harvey E., “A Reconstruction of the Early New Basel Community of Dickinson County, Kansas.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1983, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p30-44 15p.
[Article with Prefatory Note by Leo Schelbert]
“Swiss American News Notes.”
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Feb1983, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p45-48 4p.
[Article with Prefatory Note by Leo Schelbert]
ISSUE 2 (June)
Schelbert, Leo, and Heinz Karl Meier, "Letter from the Editors."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1983, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p2. 1p.
Pritzker-Ehrlich, Marthi. "Michael Schlatter: A Man in Between. A Contribution to American Ecclesiastical and Secular History of the Eighteenth Century."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1983, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p3-25. 23p.
Sprague, Stuart Seely. "Pioneer Winemaker of the West: John Dufour of Switzerland, Kentucky, and Indiana."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Jun1983, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p26-39. 14p.
ISSUE 3 (November)
Schelbert, Leo, and Heinz Karl Meier, "Letter from the Editors."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p2. 1p.
Burckhardt, Lukas F., "The Meeting of the Swiss American Historical Society in Bern."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p3-4. 2p.
Burkhard, Marianne, "Strangers Settling a Wild Land: Mari Sandoz’ Writing About Swiss Settlers in Nebraska."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p5-15. 11p.
Giorgio Cheda, L’Emigrazione Ticinese in California.
[Book Review by Laurette Fiocchi]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p16-21. 6p.
Ronald G. Fick, ed., "‘San Francisco is No More’: The Letters of Antoine Borel, Jr., 1905-1906."
[Book Review by Leo Schelbert]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p21-22. 2p.
Randall M. Miller, ed., ‘A Warm & Zealous Spirit’: John J. Zubly and the American Revolution, a Selection of His Writings.
[A Book Review by Leo Schelbert]
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p21-22. 2p.
Brunner-Hauser, Sylva, "Pionier fur eine menschliche Zukunft. Dr. med. Wilhelm Joos, Nationalrat 1821-1900."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p21-22. 2p.
Schweizer, Niklaus R., "Letter to the Editor."
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p29-31. 3p.
Swiss American Historical Society. Newsletter. Nov1983, Vol. 19 Issue 3, p32-34. 3p.